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Semblanza Artística

Ivette Ceja was born in the city of Morelia Michoacán, Mexico. She studied Architecture degree at Vasco de Quiroga University, in Morelia and later obtained the Master's degree in Modern and Contemporary Art, by the institution of development of culture and arts, Casa Lamm, Mexico City.

For twenty years she has combined her architectural activity with painting and mainly urban sculpture, participating in many urban projects and collective and individual exhibitions in Mexico, New York and Netherlands.

Her artistic studies were carried out in different cultural institutions of Mexico and outside, such as Allende Institute in San Miguel de Allende Guanajuato, The Museum of the City, Queretaro, Van Gogh School in Mexico City, Gürman Studio in Mexico City and Aldana Studio in Barcelona Spain.

Ivette Ceja has also done various theoretical courses in arts, with Node Center Institution, Berlin and Multinational Workshop, Mexico.The topics studied specifically in these courses have been: "Art and Childhood", "Methods of Artistic Creation", "Design and Crafts" and "Art in the Construction of a Culture of Peace".

She has taught too "Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture" at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey ITESM and has also taught different plastic arts workshops for children and young people.

Throughout her career, Ivette Ceja has obtained several honorable mentions in competitions such as the 2nd and 7th Watercolor Salon (1994, 1999), the Efraín Vargas 2006 State Painting Competition and the Reinterpreting Van Gogh Painting Competition 2014.


In 2015, she participated as art director in the short film "Donde nunca morirás", being awarded as the best fiction short film of the Michoacán section within the 13th International Film Festival of Morelia.

In May 2016 she traveled to the Netherlands presenting her work at the pictorial exhibition "Charapiti., Colorful Visions of Michoacán" at the Mexican Embassy in The Hague, The Markthal and the Rotterdam Chamber of Commerce.

She was awarded the First Place unanimously by the jury, obtaining the Acquisition Award at the Third State Sculpture Contest 2016. She has also been selected to insert urban sculpture in the Historical Center of the city of Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico and other cities as Monclova Coahuila, Mexico, 2017, 2018, 2019.

Artistic Activities and Exhibitions
  • Sculptural urban installation "Fragment of a Monarch Forest", series Michoacán in the World, Monclova Coahuila, January 11, 2019.

  • Sculptural urban installation "Volando Alto" Torre Vista Hermosa, Morelia Michoacán, Mexico. September 28, 2018.

  • Sculptural urban installation "Abstractions of Three Musicians", Miguel Bernal Jiménez Street, Historical Center, Morelia Michoacán, Mexico. May 19, 2018

  • Sculptural urban installation "Ode to the Arts for Peace", walker of the Cuahutémoc Forest Historical Center walk of the city of Morelia Michoacán, Mexico. December 9, 2017.

  • Sculptural urban installation "Aguacalistico", gardens of the Mueseo of Contemporary Art Alfredo Zalce, Historical Center, Morelia Michoacán, Mexico. April 5, 2017

  • Presentation of the Catalog "III State Sculpture Competition., The Avocado, Culinary and Cultural Tradition", Ministry of Culture of the Government of Michoacán, Museum of Contemporary Art, Alfredo Zalce, April 5, 2017.

  • Traveling exhibit winning piece of the 3rd State Sculpture Contest, "Aguacalístico", Old Factory of San Pedro, Uruapan Michoacán, 2016.

  • Sculpture exhibition "Aguacalístico", awarded work in the 3rd State Sculpture Meeting, Casa de la Cultura Morelia, Michoacán, 2016.

  • Collective Exhibition of Painting, "Michoacán in Holland", 2nd Meeting of Agroindustries Mexico-Holland Markthal, Rotterdam, Holland., Chamber of Commerce of Rotterdam Holland., Embassy of Mexico in The Hague, Holland, May 31 to June 31, 2016 .

  • Honorable Mention 2nd State Sculpture Meeting., Casa de la Culture, Morelia, Michoacán, 2015.

  • Collective Sculpture Exhibition "Horizontes"., Clavijero Palace, Morelia, Mich., Mexico. August 2015. Collective Sculpture Exhibition "Las Formas del Sonido", International Music Festival, Miguel Bernal Jiménez., Clavijero Palace, Morelia, Mich., Mexico. October 2015

  • Collective Sculpture Exhibition "Las Formas del Sonido", International Music Festival, Miguel Bernal Jiménez., Clavijero Palace, Morelia., Mich., Mexico. October 2015

  • Collective Sculpture Exhibition "Horizontes"., Clavijero Palace, Morelia, Mich., Mexico. August 2015

  • Selected 1st State Sculpture Competition, House of Culture, Morelia, Mich., Mexico. 2014.

  • Exhibition Sculpture "El Chueco" representative piece of the event "25 Years of Chromatic Chords" within the framework of the Miguel Bernal Jiménez International Music Festival. Clavijero Palace, Morelia, Mich., Mexico. 2013

  • Selection and Honorable Mention in pictorial call "Re interpreting Van Gogh", House of Culture, Morelia, Mich., And roaming in the 2013-2014 state.

  • Sculpture Exhibition. Collective "Transcriptions Musicalográficas", within the framework of the Miguel Bernal Jiménez International Music Festival. Clavijero Palace, Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 2012

  • Sculpture Exhibition. Collective "III Arte Festival Morelia", Forum Gallery, Morelia, Mich., Mexico. 2012

  • Publication of Work in the book "Mexican Artists of our times" author Algeria Castillo, Morelia, Mich. 2011

  • Pictorial Exhibition Collective "Confrontaciones", Mexican Petroleum Institute, Mexico D.F. 2010

  • Collective Sculpture Exhibition "The Bicentenerario in the imaginary of Michoacan artists" Clavijero Palace, Morelia, Mich. 2010

  • Collective Pictorial Exhibition "1 + 1 + 1", Historical Center, Morelia, Mich. 2009

  • Exhibition Collective Sculpture "4x4", Vértice Gallery. Guadalajara Jalisco. November, 2008

  • Exhibition Collective Sculpture "Cultural Trails IV" Michoacano Regional Museum, Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico. October 2007

  • Exhibition Collective Sculpture "4x4", San Ángel Cultural Center, Mexico D.F. January 2008

  • Collective Sculpture Exhibition, Ryan / Chelsea-Clinton Community Health Center. New York, E.U. June, 2007

  • Exhibition of selected work call for Painting and Print Efraín Vargas, August 2007.

  • Collective Sculpture Exhibition, Ryan / Chelsea-Clinton Community Health Center. New York, E.U. 2006.

  • Sculpture individual exhibition for the anniversary of the Faculty of Architecture of the Michoacán University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo. 2006.

  • Exhibition Collective Sculpture "Cultural Trails III" Regional Museum Michoacano. Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, October 2006.

  • Exhibition Sculpture, "Cellist", Jadite Gallery, New York. E.U. 1-30 June, 2006.

  • Sculpture Collective Exhibition, Campestre Golf Club, Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico. 2005

  • Collective Exhibition of Sculpture, University Cultural Center, Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico. February 25, 2005.

  • International Collective Sculpture Exhibition "Cultural Trails II", Michoacano Regional Museum. Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico. 2005

  • Exhibition of the sculpture "Tango" theater lobby Morelos, for the Argentinean musical "Tango Folk", Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico. November, 2004.

  • Collective Exhibition of Sculpture "El Beso", Hotel Catedral Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico. February 14, 2004.

  • Collective Exhibition of Sculpture "18 Miradas a la Forma", Audi, Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, August 13, 2004.

  • Collective Exhibition of Sculpture in the Ex Jesuita Convent of the city of Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México. November 2, 2003.

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